
A Dedication & Celebration to Gals of Faith! More Than a Blog & Not Quite a Magazine, SONflower Gal Blogazine is a blend of creativity, entertainment, inspiration, heartwarming quick-read articles and digital treasures! Like a sweet and fun digital faith-based ‘party in a box’ for gals. Designed to bring a smile to your face, joy to your heart, uplift, encourage and sometimes a tear to your eye . . . a true reflection of life’s complexities.

“Female artists are

more likely to bring

their children with

them on tour.”

Discuss the challenges that female

Christian vocalists encounter in the music

industry from a broad perspective and

interviews with them.

One of the biggest challenges is juggling

career, touring, and family. Some Christian

families tour together, however, often a

male artist will tour while the wife stays

home. Female Christian artists may have to

make more choices, like missing a concert or

speaking engagement in lieu of family

needs. They are more likely to bring their

children or families with them on tour.


Share insights on how interacting with

female Christian artists has influenced

and made an impact in your life.

What's impacted me most is that all the

female Christian artists I've met with the

exception of one were incredibly kind and

genuine individuals. In addition, I've been in

radio for 30 years and worked in the secular

industry too. Almost every artist I have ever

met has been extraordinarily kind and down

to earth, even Alan Jackson LOL. The news

media loves to pit female artists against one

another constantly and point out their egos

and unrealistic demands. The truth is, I

haven't seen this. Most of them are just like us.


It's hard to say with regards to faith because

many Christian artists don't write their own

music so there can be a depth in song

beyond their years. I would say that the

industry is tough and people can be cruel.

New Christian artists often have rose

colored glasses. Twenty or more years in the

entertainment industry can make an artist

lose their faith or become jaded if they do

not stay connected to God.

How does the world view vary between a

budding Christian artist perspective and

a seasoned female artist with decades of

experience in the industry?


Well, it helps to be in Nashville! I would say if

it's your dream don't give up. It's a very

difficult industry and it's tough to make it, It

generally takes about a decade to get

noticed. Try not to listen to anyone who tears

you down. Constructive criticism is great, but

criticism for the sake of criticism isn't helpful.

Share valuable advice for aspiring female

Christian vocalists aiming to make an

impact in the music industry!


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